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The California Ballot Initiatives

The Jewish holy days are over for awhile and we take a deep breath into the New Year! I hope the holy days were meaningful to you and yours.

We are a few weeks away from the Presidential election. On November 6 America will choose between the current President Barak Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

But here in California in addition to House seats there are also numerous propositions on the ballot.

Have you taken the time to familiarize yourself with them?

The ballot propositions for the November 6 election include two competing propositions on increased taxes for education ,  prop 30, 38

Prop 31  an initiative to establish a two year budgeting cycle

Prop 32 prohibits pay roll deductions to be used for political campaign contributions by unions or business

Prop 33  to base auto insurance on a person’s driving history rather than zip code

Prop 34  to stop the death penalty and executions in California

Prop 35  To raise the penalties for human trafficking

Prop 36  Revisions in the Three Strikes law

Prop 37  Genetically Engineered Food labeling law

Prop 38 See above

Prop 39  Refigures the way multi-state business that do business in CA figure their taxes and dedicates a portion of those revenues to clean energy development

Prop 40  a referendum on the new CA Senate districts drawn by the Citizen’s Commission  Yes upholds, No overturns

For a complete summary of the ballot initiatives go to

1 thought on “The California Ballot Initiatives”

  1. Some very important issues for all of us to consider here. Let’s hope that everyone takes the opportunity to educate themselves on what each proposition actually accomplishes, and that they do not just listen to what the oft-misleading television and radio ads say. We have many crucial and important decisions to make in this election cycle.

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