A critical part of any profession is leadership. How do you amplify your leadership today? How do you lead? What do you di to develop your leadership skills? Do you apply leadership in the work place? As a volunteer? Your family? Every aspect of our lives requires us to step up and show courage, bravery, insight and how we apply the lessons we have learned through time and experience. It helps to have role models, to study and learn more about leadership and it’s applications.
That’s why I’m thrilled to have contributed to a wonderful new book JEWISH COMMUNAL LEADERSHIP by Rabbi Dr. Ron Wolfson. It reflects Leadership today in our world.
This collection of leadership essays by some of the premier experts, both professional and lay leaders of Jewish community organizations is such an important book whether you are Jewish or not. There is much to unpack and learn from in these pages. From guiding organizations and teams of people, to what a good leader needs to do to reflect and grow. The forward by my friend, mentor and teacher, Dr. Stephen Windmueller is worth the price of admission alone!!
Some of the other contributors include, Zac Bodner, Daryl Messigner, Barry Shrage, Dr. Erica Brown, Dr. Bruce Powell.
Read this article in EJewishPhilanthropy for more about this new collection.
They say there are leaders and followers. Maybe so. But I believe leadership can be taught. I have written a lot about leadership. You can see examples here in my blog and here and here.
My essay focuses on leadership role models in the Biblical text; what we can learn and how we might apply the lessons from these stories.
Leadership in our world today is tricky. But navigating the waters of leadership requires thoughtfulness, reflection, humor and courage. These essays can help you bolster your leadership skills.