I am thrilled to announce the upcoming publication of a book I co-edited: Gender and Religious Leadership: Women Rabbis, Pastors and Ministers. It is to be published next month by Lexington Books which is an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield.
It is an in-depth look at the impact of women’s leadership on religion and religious institutions. Contributors include an international array of women scholars and teachers and even a few good men!
Many of the papers in this anthology were given at a conference several years ago at the University of Potsdam and the Abraham Geiger Kolleg in Germany celebrating the 80th anniversary of the ordination of the first female rabbi. Regina Jonas. Rabbiner Jonas taught in Berlin and was deported to Theresienstadt during World War II. There she ministered for two years along side Viktor Frankel. She was then taken to Auschwitz and was murdered there.
This collection coEdited by Hartmut Bomhoff, Kathy Ehrensperger and Dr Walter Homolka is an important contribution to the fields of gender studies and religious studies. There are articles by Professors Pamela Nadell and Karla Goldman, Rabbi Sandy Sasson and Communal leaders like Gail Reimer, former executive director of the Jewish Women’s Archive.
I hope you will want to read it and share it with others.
You may purchase an advance copy at https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781793601575/Gender-and-Religious-Leadership-Women-Rabbis-Pastors-and-Ministers