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Coaching: A More Successful You!

Coaching is a method for success.  It is a method for success in life, in work, in leadership.  It will make you more successful. Coaching provides an opportunity for one-on-one feedback, goal setting, reflection and developing the skills needed to navigate work or life or both!

Coaching is a process that helps unlock potential and achieve goals.  In employees and executives coaching develops a person’s self-awareness, improve their leadership, and their performance.


According to studies those who sought coaching report that it positively impacted their careers and their daily lives in the following areas.  It helped them:

  • Establish and take action towards achieving goals.
  • Become more self-reliant.
  • Gain more job and life satisfaction.
  • Contribute more effectively to the team and the organization.
  • Take greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments.
  • Work more easily and productively with others (boss, direct reports, peers)
  • Communicate more effectively. 

The International Coaching Federation (of which I am a member), reports 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more.

What Do Coaches Do?

Coaches can help individuals and organizations.

A coach can help leaders, in the task of leadership, including shaping and implementing mission and vision.

A coach can help a provide strategies and elevate a client’s skills.

A coach can help you find the right fit professionally, helping you narrow your choices and discern the next steps.

A coach can help a team communicate and work successfully together.

A coach can help you reshape your approaches, beliefs, and attitudes to strengthen your skills.

But one of the most important things that a good coach does it help develop awareness of self and others.   Opportunities for reflection strengthen our ability to move ahead.


If you are ready to move your career ahead, dig deeper, be more thoughtful and amplify your strengths ,then you are ready to find a coach that will help fulfill your ambitions and goals. Now is the time to act.  

If you are a religious leader or work in the non-profit sector, I can help you bring your values in sync with your work and help you amplify and boost your effectiveness.  Contact me for more details!