Today President Obama will sign the bill into law ending the heinous Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy of our armed forces. (This is supposed to occur at 9:15 am Eastern Time) Today the gay and lesbian community is another step closer to fairness and full equality. What a struggle this one simple act has been: To allow gay men and women to serve our country openly and honestly.
For 17 years this enforced witch hunt has ended careers and caused turmoil and pain and humiliation to honorable men and women.
Thank you to all those who voted in the House and Senate to do the right and just thing and repeal this policy. Thank you President Obama for signing it today.
Now lets ensure that the actual repeal of this policy is widely and quickly implemented throughout the military. It will take a bit of time and Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullins will have a bit of work to do. And then it doesn’t take effect for another sixty days after that. So I wouldn’t come out of the closet just yet if you are serving.
But what a grand day it is when equality is in the air!
A new day indeed. Let’s rejoice in the moment.
But we are reminded the work of full equality isn’t over. There is much to be done.
Onward to full equality.