WOW! New York did it. What a wonderful weekend of Gay Pride in New York and San Francisco too. Marriage Equality is a reality in New York State. Bravo to Governor Cuomo. And we who advocate for marriage equality ought to say thank you and take note of the courage it took many of the legislators to step up. There is still work to do. No Long Island legislator voted for marriage equality. Many in upstate New York didn’t either. But the facts on the ground in 30 days–people getting married will work to change hearts and minds as it has in other places.
It is a glorious weekend. And a good time to celebrate. But on Monday let’s get back to working hard not only for marriage equality but for full equality for LGBT folks across the nation. People are still fired for being gay, still denied housing and at the federal level there is much work to be done!
So mazal tov New York. Thank you Governor Cuomo and the New York Senate and Assembly. See you all under the chupah!