For the second night of Chanukah we should think about the idea of “pirsum et haMitzvah” The commandment to publicize or promote the the lighting of the chanukiah. Our rabbinic ancestors thought we should place our chanukiah in the window to show and share the light of Chanukah! Of course there were times in our history when doing so would have been too dangerous and so the light had to be contained. But now more than ever we the Jewish people do have light to be shared with everyone. We have a prophetic tradition that calls upon each of us to stand up for those who can’t and we have a calling as the Jewish people to share the light of Torah and God with others. So as the old spiritual says… This little light of mine I’m gonna’ let it shine…Let it shine let it shine let it shine!
Tonight on this Second night of Chanukah—do just that! Let your inner light shine. Let God’s light bathe you and your family and friends and uplift your spirits. And let the light of justice burn brightly in these difficult times. Let it shine let it shine let it shine!