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Light filled Chanukah!

I want to wish each of you a light filled Chanukah.

I hope you will extend your inner light to someone else this year.

A smile, a helping hand, a listening ear, a gift of tzedakah for those in need.

I hope you will be inspired by the story of Chanukah with the courage of the Macabees.

I hope you will be inspired to believe that you can do what seems impossible.

I hope you will dedicate and rededicate holy space in your life to blessing life and God’s gift of life.

I hope that you will come celebrate Chanukah with me on Friday, Dec. 14, at 7 pm at Congregation Kol Ami  and don’t forget your Chanukiah so we can do all these things together!

Happy Chanukahlens18883572_1321325460Menorah