A Prayer for Rosh Hashanah Eve -5771 by Rabbi Denise L. Eger
O Ancient of Days on this New Year Eve let Your abundance of love and blessing and goodness flow down upon my soul and the souls of my loved ones. As we enter 5771 take note of our lives and give us the strength and courage to change that which need changed. Forgive us our sins and errors and help us to turn to You in repentance and love. During these Days of Awe and Wonder help me to look at my deeds and words and actions with clarity and honesty Sustain me during difficult days and lift me up when life is hard.
Bring Your bountiful joy and gladness to me and my loved ones. Grant to us that shalom that is Your gift-peace of heart and mind and world.
ברוך אתה יי עושה השלום Baruch Atah Adonai, Oseh Hashalom. Praised are You Maker of Peace in me and the world around me.
New Year is almost here. As you gather around your holiday table and light the candles, and make the kiddish and motzi here is a prayer written just for 5771 to help you get started with these Awesome and Holy Days. I wish you a sweet and happy New Year filled with all good things! Shanah Tovah U’metukah.