This weekend our congregation goes on retreat in Malibu–rain or shine. As part of our 18th anniversary celebration a group of committed volunteers organized an adult retreat. We call it our Shabbaton! At the wonderful Camp JCA Shalom, 40 of us will welcome Shabbat, sing, study, do a little Tai Chi, take a musical Shabbat hike, eat and learn together. I am so proud of the group that organized this weekend gathering. With a little bit of support from our student rabbi, they really took responsibility for the entire weekend. The workshops, prayer, and even the logistics have been handled by a lay person.
This is an example of sacred community. Not depending on paid staff to execute every little jot and tittle, but creating a vision together and making it happen while caring for one another. It feels good to work together to bring a bit of Shabbat and serenity to others.
So I want to wish the committee Mazal Tov for their good work. Mazal tov for building sacred community. Mazal Tov for helping our congregation celebrate our 18th anniversary by rolling up their sleeves and creating a beautiful gift for the community together. Todah Rabbah. Thank you.
I am looking forward to Shabbat.