I had the honor of giving the invocation at the annual “Stoney” Awards of the Stonewall Democratic Club here in Southern California.
This year was the Year of the Woman and they honored Congresswoman Karen Bass, Assembly Member Laura Friedman, the Women’s March and their member of the year Alana Roshay
Here is my prayer:
Holy One of Blessing-on this your day, we take joy in celebrating the gift of life. Thank you for the opportunity to gather in peace, to share our commitments to making your world a place of equity and equality for all who dwell here.
In these times of chaos and upheaval we look to find the common bonds of our humanity which is surely a reflection of your Divine love.
In a world where truth is under attack: Help us to recognize truth and always to speak truthfully.
In a world where injustice seems to reign: Help us to seek justice and bring more of it into our world.
In a world where we are alienated from one another: Help us to be compassionate in our thoughts and our deeds to our neighbors near and far.
In a society that has devalued education: Help us to use our minds to think for ourselves and not be caught up in dogma or propaganda from the right or the left or even from those who speak misusing Your Holy Name.
In a world where people worship money instead of You: Help us to lift up the poor and impoverished in our midst.
In these times when our government wants to ignore the effects of climate change: Help us O God to protect our planet.
We also ask your blessing upon our honorees for the excellence of their dedication and commitments. Give them strength that they may enjoy long life, good health, and energy to get the job done.-the job of transforming Your world and healing its wounds.
And bless the work of our hands- all who are gathered here and uplift our hearts to one another so that we can create the world You dreamed of-a world at peace; a world of abundance for all; a world of generosity; a world of that values all human beings who are created in Your Divine Image; a world of bathed in freedom, liberty and love. And let us say: AMEN