Everyone is on pins and needles awaiting Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision on the federal case about Prop. 8. There are two rallies in LA tonight. 8 pm is a Downtown Rally in Father Serra Park opposite Union Station. It includes a candlelight vigil.
I will be at the #West Hollywood rally which begins at 6 pm in West Hollywood Park.
No matter the outcome of the decision people should turn out. Whether to protest or celebrate it is important to show our numbers. Remember this is just the first round. No matter what the Judge has decided in the case one side or the other will appeal. In fact the Yes on 8 people have already filed a stay if they lose. This is a request not to start-up marriage ceremonies again. So your presence will make a difference win or lose for the long run. Show you care about equality. Show you care about not setting aside the rights of a minority. Whether you are gay or lesbian, straight or trans or asexual just show up at one of these two rallies.
It matters.