The word for friend/friends in Hebrew in Chavera/Chaver/Chaverim
I am so thrilled to have contributed a chapter to a phenomenal new book on being and becoming an Ally.
This new book “Chaver Up!“, reminds us that being an ally is a deeply Jewish value.
In the book, my fellow writers and I grapple with the complexity, messiness, and human fallibility of allyship, as well its beauty, holiness, and power to restore good. The 49 diverse Jewish spiritual leaders in the book have written some really wise and moving pieces.
My piece is about the Jewish Principals of Allyship.
I want to personally invite you to join us in creating new paths of human kindness and action. Let’s all “Chaver Up!”—or “ally up”—together. The book is out now in paperback and as an e-book. Type this link into your browser to check it out: