Time to make a few calls. Call your Senator. On Thursday the Senate Judiciary committee will hold its hearing on the Respect for Marriage Act that would assign DOMA-to the trash heap. These hearings in our Capitol are vitally important. It will put on the record in the Senate, the stories of the gay couples who are married and the inequities they face. It will put the stories of lesbian couples who can’t marry and the inequities they face on the official record of our Senate. We might not see the immediate repeal of DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act which doesn’t let the federal government recognize Gay and lesbian marriages and thus creates nightmares and headaches when filing taxes, dealing with pensions, filling out financial aid forms, social security benefits and so many more issues.
Not to mention the confusion that happens when you are married in one state but not in the neighboring state. Or issues of lawsuits for wrongful death, or even the complexities of divorce.
CALL YOUR SENATOR. Call the members of the Judiciary committee of both parties and log your support of the Respect for Marriage Act. They need to hear from us. Here is a link to the Judiciary Committee page. You can then click on the Senator and get a link to her or his page
Here is the information regarding the Senate switchboard at the Capitol:
United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.