Tonight at the Luxe Hotel on Sunset just off the 405, The Jewish Federation and the Southern California Board of Rabbis will sponsor a wonderful discussion about the nature of civil discourse on Israel. On the panel will be Rabbis Laura Geller of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, Rabbi Ed Feinstein of Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, and Rabbi Eleazar Muskin of Young Israel of Century City. Moderating the panel is none other than conservative Pollster, Frank Luntz.
In an increasing polarized world civil discourse is often difficult. In our Jewish community we have always had multiple opinions about different subjects. And when we talk about Israel it is magnified ten fold. Whether we are on the right or left politically we all realize that when it comes to Israel the stakes are high. The threats Israel faces are great. The threats from without: Iran, terrorists, Hamas/Hezbollah to name a few bring with it increased concerns about security and safety. But Israel also faces threats from within: The rise in racism, the lack of religious pluralism; the treatment of the Palestinians.
It should be a wonderful evening. I hope you can join us. Door opens at 6:45 pm. Program starts at 7 pm I hope to see you there!