They did it. Well I think Lieberman did it. 63-33 on a cloture vote which moves repeal of DADT forward to certification by the President and Defense Secretary that it won’t interfere with military preparedness. Admiral Mullins already assured us of that.
This is an amazing day for equality. And Mr. Lieberman who is an Orthodox Jew is in the Senate on Shabbat. WORKING for justice and equality. Jewish tradition says that you can violate Shabbat to save a life. Mr. Lieberman is doing just that. Saving lives of LGBT Americans and saving the principles of the life of ouR country’s values which says all liberty and justice FOR ALL!
What saddened me was the outright lies and homophobia on the floor of the Senate. Mr. Inhofe of Oklahoma admitting that he knew DADT wasn’t going to work 17 years ago when he voted on it. And then having the audacity to say it worked! Worked? Ruining lives, depriving our military of outstanding soldiers and sailors. Is this what he meant?
And sadly John McCain is nothing but a shell of himself soliciting and conspiring with the Marine Commandant to equate Marines with severe injury and no legs as the result of gays serving in the military. This is absolutely ridiculous. There is a war going on. Perhaps Senator McCain you should stop funding the wars then these Marines will come home and all of our military personnel gay and straight.
Let’s proceed quickly on DADT repeal Mr. President and Secretary Gates. Do not wait.
You have what you said you wanted and needed which is legislative repeal.