I am proud to say my blog is one of the finalists in the URJ Techie Awards.
My blog along with our congregational Twitter address @kolamila made the finals!!!!
But I need your help. Kol Ami needs your help. Help us win!!!!
You can vote. If you enjoy reading my blog, or have learned some Torah here, or been spurred to engage in Tikkun Olam – the repair of our world, or even disagreed with something I’ve written. VOTE!
Voting Process |
Public voting will begin on December 9, 2010, and will last for 6 weeks, ending on January 14, 2011. Public votes will be combined with URJ staff final round votes to determine the winners. Winners will be announced on February 1, 2011.
Here is the link. You can vote every day!!!! So help us win registrations to the URJ Biennial Convention in Washington, D.C. area next December 2011!