Today we observe Veteran’s Day. A day to honor the courage and bravery of those who have served our country. We also honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice: Giving their lives to defend our Constitution and the ideals it stands for. I am always moved on this day because so many people have quietly and bravely done their jobs to keep America safe. Whether it was the heroes of the greatest generation-those that served during World War II or our latest vets who are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. We owe them our thanks. We owe their families our gratitude.
During the years immediately after Vietnam we didn’t do our best. We treated the soldiers and sailors who returned as if they caused the war. They did not. We owed them better. Today many Vietnam vets are still suffering greatly from the injuries both physical and emotional of their service.
Today with our returning vets from the Middle East we owe them not just our gratitude but the promise of care. More than 50, 000 of our soldiers have returned home with significant injuries and countless others with PTSD-post traumatic stress disorder. War is brutal and cruel. Whether we supported the war effort or not those who have served deserve our respect and honor.
So on this Veteran’s Day give a little tzedakah-a little charity to one of the many organizations who provide assistance to our Vets