If you haven’t made plans yet for the festival of Shavuot evening-come study Torah with us at Kol Ami. This year our Scholar in Residence for our Tikkyn Leyl Shavuot- is Dr. Rabbi Joshua Garroway. Dr. Garroway is an assistant Professor at our Reform Seminary, Hebrew Union College. His specialty is early Christianity and the Second Commenwealth. This is the time often referred to as the Intertestimental Period, when the Temple still stood and Christianity was just beginning.
He completed his rabbinic studies at HUC-JIR and is doctorate at Yale.
Shavuot is the Festival that commemorates the giving of Torah on Mt. Sinai and it is customary to spend the evening in study! We will learn with Dr. Garroway His topic will be “Torah Tours and Detours: The Torah according to Paul.” This will be a fascinating evening to see how early Christianity took Jewish teachings as their own. For anyone living in the world today it is important to understand where Judaism and Christianity share common themes.
I hope you can be with us at 7 pm on Tuesday June 7 at Kol Ami! See you then and Happy Shavuot.