The Journey continues. The Exodus from Egypt, celebrated by Passover now concluded is the first steps on the journey to the Promised Land. For the next few weeks we will count off the daily omer with a blessing as we march toward Mt. Sinai and the revelation of Torah. We have completed the first week dedicated by the mystics to Hesed- the Divine trait of lovingkindness. And we will start a new week dedicated to Gevurah- Strength, strictness. This stand in opposition to all we have experienced this past week, the loving, kind experience of God’s love and embrace.
Journeys like these into the unknown are hard. One needs both gentleness and inner fortitude, strength to make such a journey. Finding the balance between these two isn’t easy but part of the journey toward the revelation is experiencing it all. So this coming week our journey will be to see the world and ourselves through this lens of strength, might, and the strict interpretation of the law. This isn’t harshness or cruelty. All of it is now tempered because we experienced a week of Hesed which always will remain with us in the journey toward wholeness at Sinai.