September 1! Summer’s over! Put away the white shoes and time to get back in the real game. Okay maybe we have a couple of days left til Labor Day on Monday. But there is four months left til 2011 and only a few days until the Jewish New Year begins. So the seasons of starting over, new beginnings and a new school year has arrived. How will you make these days and weeks count?
Here is a wonderful passage from the book “Yom Kippur Readings” by Dov Peretz Elkins.
Essential to all Jewish theological viewpoints is the Covenantal relationship between God and the Jewish People, established in days of the Bible and continued to our own day.
In the prayer “Kee Hineh KaHomer” we recite the refrain: Recall Your covenant, and forgive our sin.
Rabbi Arthur Green (Seek My Face) defines the Covenant between God and Israel in a special way. To him Covenant is a commitment to keeping faith with the deepest Self that is within us. “It is a decision to live in such a way that allows” God to be revealed to others through us. “Covenant is our willingness to be a channel, to serve as a conduit of God’s presence to those with whom we live.”
In these days of change and beginnings take some time to live revealing the Divine Holy Light in you to the world!