Today another step forward in the march toward Marriage Equality as a court in Missouri struck down the marriage ban there. St. Louis county is poised to begin issuing licenses! The Show Me state is showing the rolling tide of equality in the mid-west-as Kansas also welcomed Marriage Equality this week. It is ironic that even as Republicans took over both chambers of Congress, the marriage equality train continues on track toward all 50 states. Not all Republicans oppose marriage equality and a few ran with a platform including their support for marriage equality. But we must continue to strengthen marriage equality and most importantly –pass an employment non-discrimination act in this country. You can get married in 35 states and the District of Columbia but you can get fired from your job in many of those states still! This doesn’t make sense.
So even with a new Republican controlled Congress–let’s continue to work on job security and equality for LGBT individuals and continue our activism on marriage equality. Let Freedom Ring.