Tomorrow is National Coming Out Day. If you have been in the closet, hiding your sexual orientation, tomorrow is a day to take your next step. Tell a friend. Tell a loved one. Each time we speak truthfully about our lives we heal a piece of our own souls and most importantly we heal the world. The more justice the more life says Jewish teachings. And this is truth when we are honest about who we our in allo f our being. We are just as God intended us to be. Whole loving human beings created in the Divine image! And anyone who tries to lie about the holiness of our lives is creating evil. Anyone who tries to say that God’s creation is wrong or an abomination is the problem. For they misread the Bible. It wasn’t written in English or Latin or Greek originally. They are all translations of translations. So don’t think the King James version of the Bible is the original. It is only celebrating it’s 400th anniversary this year.
So be proud of yourself whatever your orientation. Gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Be yourself. Live fully and proudly. And honestly and openly. Happy National Coming Out Day.