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Things are moving quickly– the White House according to the is pushing for a compromise that would be no compromise really and still give the Pentagon and military brass the ability to discriminate…. We need you to call now and tell them discrimination is unacceptable.  Especially because if a Republican administration is elected they could reverse the compromise with one stroke of the General’s pen!   Call both the Senate leadership and House leadership and your senator and represenatives to tell them to lift Don’t Ask Don’t Tell once and for all.   Discrimination is not the American Way…..

Today is swarm day. Not for locusts and not for African Killer Bees.  It is a day to make calls to the House of Representatives, Speaker Pelosi and your Senators to repeal the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell military ban on gay people.  This ongoing ridiculous charade by the old-time military brass and the right-wing nuts of our country and their “fears” of gay people serving our country has got to stop.  And if we are serious about allowing serving our country then we need every able-bodied man and woman to serve to protect our ideals and our freedoms.

Military service isn’t for everyone.  But for those who choose this noble path being a gay man or lesbian shouldn’t be a deterrent.  One’s sexual orientation is no more relevant to doing a military job than it is any other job. This weekend President Obama addressed the graduates of West Point, the Army’s Academy in New York.  Seeing the traditional toss of their white hats is a reminder that it is time to toss out this policy of homophobia.

Next week the Senate Armed Services Committee and the full House of Representatives will debate and vote on finally repealing DADT policy.  Today is our chance to swarm phone call to the Congressional offices of our nation’s leaders with messages of support for repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.   We need to carry the message that support is overwhelming.  We must insist that DADT is repealed now.  We have been waiting since the 1990’s for this unfair and horrible policy to be repealed.  Countless lives have been ruined by the witch hunts instigated by DADT. More than 14,000 people have been released.

CALL TODAY-Monday May 24.  It is critical that they hear from us.

To call your Senator click here for the list.

To call your District Representative click here for the list.

Call Speaker Pelosi’s office in D.C. especially. (202) 225-0100

To get more involved contact Servicemembers United

Let us swarm and flood Congress with our message.

We still are a country at war.  We are at war in Afghanistan and Iraq plus all of the other places around the globe that are strategic points.  Plus all of the many things that our military does here at home.  Let us not waste precious talent that we need to fight the war on terrorism because they are gay men and lesbians.   Oh how silly.

Please call.