It’s here. Opening Day. The glorious baseball season begins again. 162 days of bats, balls, strikes, diamond grit, and 30 teams pitted against each other.
I must admit I feel a little cheated this year. I didn’t make it to spring training. The usual weekend I go was Purim. And while that was really fun and great -I missed my annual trek to see the boys of summer in springtime.
My beloved Angels still have some issues. Kendry Morales is on the DL along with Reggie Willits and Jose Piniero and Scott Downs as the season opens today in Kansas City. The Angels are still trying to find themselves after a lackluster 2010 season. I hope they do so quickly.
But each day from now through September I will be able to see a game or listen to one. So hooray for baseball. I know the Final Four will take up a lot of folks attention this weekend. But for my money, I am happy baseball is back.
I’m glad someone still follows baseball. With the steroid/perjury trial of Barry Bonds ongoing, the tainted/juiced “records” of McGuire, Sosa, Canseco (the list goes on), the game has really tumbled to the depths of depravity. So much for role models for the children and the youth. Then there’s the outrageous salaries, the brawls, the ugly Dodger divorce of Jamie and Frank McCourt, and on and on and on…. What a pity. I guess a Dodger dog might be worth it, but the rest of the game isn’t worth much nowadays. Take me out to the ballgame…no thanks, I’d rather support something of value.
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