On Wednesday night of last week I had a wonderful treat. Gahl Sasson taught a wonderful introductory class on Kabbalah at Kol Ami. He is a master teacher. And an all around nice guy. But he also is a wonderful kabbalist and astrologer. He has an amazing way of weaving together Jewish tradition, the Kabbala and the mystical approach, psychology, astrology and the great myths of many traditions! Wow my brain was on overload because he crammed in so much in such a short amount of time. It was as if time stood still.
This coming week on Wednesday, Gahl will begin a 10 week course based on his amazing book “A Wish Can Change Your Life” . This is a practical book of setting priorities, meditation, journaling and synergies. It uses the 10 sephirot of the mystical tree of life to frame the discussion and to utilize the energies of each to benefit your process.
Come learn with us starting Wednesday March 2 at 7 pm- 8:30 pm at Kol Ami 1200 N. La Brea Ave, West Hollywood. The course costs are ten weeks for $118 (including the book) for Kol Ami members. And $180 for non-members of Kol Ami (including the book). In the course you will learn to meditate and use journaling to visualize your wish or dream. And then Gahl will show you how to manifest this desire.
So come explore the mystical side of life and living. Come on Wednesday night March 2. See you there.
He was amazing! He effortlessly kept us captive for what seemed like maybe five minutes but when I looked at my watch it was almost 2 hours! His teaching is so lyrical and I was swept up into the music of his teaching – I encourage anyone on the fence for taking this class to do it – I have a feeling we’re in for an amazing ride! Thanks, Rabbi for finding him and offering his teaching to us – Reva
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