Get your dancing shoes on! Trip the light fantastic! It’s Simchat Torah Wednesday night and Thursday. We will end and begin the cycle of reading the Torah again with much rejoicing. Just as Moses’ soul ascends to heaven we will quickly read again about the beginnings of the Universe. Simchat Torah as a hyper-time machine-leading us back to the moment of the creation itself!
We await the safe return of GIlad Shalit who has been held hostage for 5 years by Hamas in isolation. Let us hope the Torah we dance with is not just the scroll of our people’s journey but let us hope that we can rejoice is Gilad’s safe return. May God bless Gilad and his family. And let the Jewish people rejoice.
Let us also remember the family members killed by the very terrorists who will be set free and now celebrated as heroes by Hamas. There should have been another way to get Gilad back instead of the prisoner exchange. Think about the victims’ families.
Here is one of the prisoners set free in her own words:
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