I am fed up with the noise. The noise outside my window at night. It is unbelievable to me the number of times people have no idea of their surroundings or the way their own voice carries. On more than one occasion I have had to call the sheriff’s station to help move people along late at night and ask them to stop yelling in the streets. West Hollywood is known as party central. And when the clubs let out sadly folks are not always sure of themselves because they have had too much to drink (or alternatively, too much to smoke or something else). Not only are their inhibitions gone but they have no idea that they are screaming at the top of their lungs at 2 am.
It is time for a little self-awareness. I am not a Scrooge and saying “Don’t have a good time.” And I am not advocating to shut down the clubs and music of West Hollywood. I am saying strike a balance. Be aware of the sound of your voice and how it carries. Maybe someone is trying to sleep and go to work the next morning. PLEASE!
My sentiments exactly! thank you…
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