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Memorial Day Prayer

What is Memorial Day? Just an excuse for BBQ? A Day off?

No, this is day to remember those who gave their lives in defense of our nation. Even if you never served or don’t know anyone who did, this is a day to give thanks for the lives of those who sacrificed to keep our nation safe and free.  And you free and safe.  America isn’t perfect but this laboratory of freedom is still one of the most amazing experiments!

At the end of the Civil War, veterans wanted a day to remember those who had sacrificed their lives. More than 620,000 Americans died during the War Between the States.  But this day has been expanded to honor the sacrifice of all veterans who gave their lives serving in the armed forces of the U.S. 

So let  us offer this prayer on this day of Remembrance and if you have a gathering with friends-take a moment to recite it together:

Holy One of Blessing, we give thanks for the lives of those men and women who have died in service of our country.  As they once stood guard, now guard and protect their eternal souls and let them rest in peace.  May eternity be their inheritance and may the memory of their righteous deeds and noble service inspire their family and friends and our nation.  Bring comfort to their families, Holy One.  Send your guardian angels to protect all who are on duty at this time.  Bless our country the it continues to be a stronghold of peace and an advocate for justice throughout the world.  For those who died in service to our nation and in the service of peace making we give thanks.


1 thought on “Memorial Day Prayer”

  1. Thank you for this reminder of what Memorial Day is really about. It is all too easy to get caught up in the hubbub of busy-ness and acquisition and to neglect the gratitute and responsibilities of living in freedom.

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