What a sad weekend. The tragic shooting of Rep. Giffords in Arizona and the deaths of so many people in Tuscon coupled with the passing of Jewish music great Debbie Friedman makes this a painful weekend.
Debbie was an amazingly gifted singer and songwriter. Most knew her through her incredible Jewish music. I had the privilege of knowing her not only through singing her music but as my teacher. When I was 12 years old I was already teaching religious school music at Temple Israel in Memphis. The sisterhood of the Temple invested in my skill and talent and sent me that June to SoFTY camp at Jacobs camp. SoFTY was the old NFTY name of the Southern Region. I wasn’t in SoFty yet. I was still in middle school not high school. Debbie was songleading at SoFTY camp. It was 1972. I was sent there specifically to learn from her how to songlead! And I did. She taught me technique and style and songleading tips. In private classes! And there began a special friendship that would last these many years. It was that first exposure to her and her music that ultimately helped propel me toward the rabbinate.
Through the years we checked in with each other. Especially when she lived in Los Angeles and Palm Springs we spent lots of time together.
And just last May to celebrate Kol Ami’s 18th anniversary, Debbie sang for us at the House of Blues! What a night!
My heart goes out to her mom and whole family, May her memory live on for a blessing as her music lives in our hearts and mouths!
She helped us sing like angels. Now she is one of them. Baruch Dayan Haemet.
It’s hard to believe Debbie was singing on stage just 8 months ago. I would have never thought that would be the last time I would see her alive. Treasure each day. Get out and fight for a cause or visit someone who is ill.
Congresswoman Giffords situation is beyond words and upsetting on many levels. For now, let’s provide support to her, her family, and friends. As much as many of us want answer as to why this happened, there will be time later to go over the reasons that might have led to this tragedy.
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