Welcome Ken Mehlman! So the former Republican National Chairman has announced publicly what has been whispered about for a long time that he is gay. So as the rabbi of the gays and lesbians of Los Angeles and West Hollywood let me welcome you to the community publicly! Mr. Mehlman made his revelation in an interview in the Atlantic. Click here to read the online article.
Mr. Mehlman has a lot of time to make up for. It is hard to keep the secret of the closet especially in such a high-powered position as chief of the RNC. But even more so when the stated policies he had to lift up were anti-gay and lesbian equality. He must not have felt very good about himself. But now in the light of day… welcome to the freedom of truth and the freedom that is really inherent in our Constitution: the freedom of expression and to be yourself!
Mr Mehlman is also Jewish. So let me remind him that this is the month of Elul. It is a time of repair and healing work. It is a time of teshuvah, repentance and turning around our lives to live in whole and holy ways. Let me suggest that some of the spiritual work Mr. Mehlman might try this High Holy Day season will be to ask for forgiveness for promoting hatred and bigotry against his own people. That he begin acts of tzedakah and charity to support equality for gays and lesbians not just in the Republican party but in our country and world-wide. That he use his connections and position of privilege and power to rally people to the cause equality for overturning the unjust “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” military policy. That he rally Republicans to support the gender-identity Employment Non-Discrimination Act and get it passed in this Congress. That Mr Mehlman work tirelessly for the cause of marriage equality beating back the ugly homo-haters at NOM and within his Republican circles. That will be the holy work of teshuvah, of repentance before him.
Baruch Habah. Welcome. We welcome you to Kol Ami in West Hollywood when you are here on the West Coast. Welcome to the community officially. We need you and we need your voice..
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Great post Rabbi. A lot of good can come from this story. Let’s be as supportive as we can.
Denise I so need you to remind me of yiddishkiet regaurding Mr Mehlman thamk you, Some of us paid so much before it was ok to be gay we forget.
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