While here in Philadelphia I am meeting with young Jewish glbt activists at Penn Hillel.
This group is called JBaGeL-Jewish bi gay and lesbian group. In February I met an amazing young man at the NUJILS conference. NUJILS is the National Union of Jewish LGBTIQQ Students. They meet annually over Martin Luther King weekend at a different college campus. It brings college age GLBT Jewish leaders from all over the country together for leadership, learning and networking. I met a young activist from this group at Penn at the workshop I led on activism. We connected and have remained in touch! When he found out I was coming to Philadelphia for the National Equality Forum lecture, we arranged to have me meet with these amazing young people.
And they are amazing! Talented, interesting and filled with energy. (Okay I remember back to my own college days at USC Hillel too!) But they are doing what we gay and lesbian students only dreamed about. They are integrating their identities and more importantly, these students are ensuring that a Jewish GLBT voice is heard.
So thanks Jason for inviting me to meet with all of you. You inspire me by your efforts and dynamism and outlook!
Glad ur enjoying the conference. kk
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